Modern. Sustainable. Atlanta. 404.303.7280

    • April


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    5 Renovations to Make Your House Greener (Without Green Paint)

    hese days it seems that everyone trying to be greener. As people become more and more aware of their impact on the environment, the demand for more environmentally friendly products has risen. This is certainly the case in regards to home construction and renovation. Here are five renovations that can help make your home a bit more efficient and green, none of which involve painting your house green!


    A good place to start when……………

    • April


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    Passivhaus Precedents: Zero Energy House from 1970s recognized with award

    Isaac Newton wrote about his work, acknowledging those before him: “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” The idea of the Passivhaus, or Passive House building system, is often seen as an original mix of super-insulation, tight envelope and controlled ventilation, when in fact lot of people were looking at many of the key principles back in the seventies.

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    More hot poop on composting toilets

    So what has changed in the last eight years? Disappointingly, not very much.

    The fundamental aim of the composting toilet designers is to deal with our inhibitions about poop. We have grown up with a flush-and-forget system where we don’t see the stuff, we don’t have to deal with it, we send the problem somewhere else. Most of the attention is going to making the composting toilet experience as close to this as possible, sometimes by……

    • April


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    Energy-modeling technology has potential for efficiency auditing

    Although building energy efficiency is improving, the sector still falls disappointingly short of meeting its full potential.

    Even when a building owner or manager goes through the process of an audit and retrofit, results can be inaccurate and inconsistent, especially when compared across an entire portfolio. There are many reasons for this shortfall, but it essentially comes down to two factors: people and tools.

    The people factor is real; the diligence of the audit team and the skills of the retrofit installers can change the results of an energy retrofit drastically. But for now, let’s talk about…..

    • April


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    DIY: How to tell if a pallet is safe to re-use

    Find how to decipher what’s stamped on your pallet to see if it’s safe or not for your project.

    • April


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    Sustainable Development could be outlawed in Kansas

    Most people think that sustainability is a pretty good idea. The accepted definition goes back to the Brundtland Report of 1987:

    Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

    Others think it is a code word for the United Nations taking our freedom away. We can’t have that, so in Kansas, the Committee on Energy and Environment has proposed a bill that would, as Tom Randall of Bloomberg notes, ” prohibit spending on anything that won’t set Kansas on a course to self-destruction.”……..

    • April


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    Kinetic Energy-Harvesting Tiles Generate Power from Paris Marathon Runners

    The Paris Marathon collected around 7 kilowatt hours of electricity during the entire race, which is enough energy to power a light bulb continuously for five days. Schneider Energy installed the tiles at the race as a way to bring awareness to the public of the possibilities of utilizing kinetic energy. Pavegen kinetic-harvesting tiles have appeared in shopping malls, subway stations and stadiums, successfully using the power of foot traffic to help offset

    Read more: Kinetic Energy-Harvesting Tiles Generate Power from Paris Marathon Runners | Inhabitat – Sustainable Design Innovation, Eco Architecture, Green Building …..

    • April


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    Modern Sprout: A Decorative Hydroponic Planter for Your Windowsill

    Modern Sprout has created a windowsill planter box that’s simple, self-sustaining and naturally stylish. Its hidden hydroponics system automatically waters and feeds your plants for you, making it perfect for space-conscious city dwellers, absent-minded gardeners and armchair agrarians.

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Costs of Custom Homes

The first thing most people want to know is: What does it costs to build a 3000 sqft custom home in the Atlanta, GA. market?  The first thing you have to calculate is the square footage you want.  Once you have that, the numbers below give you a good starting point.

Adjusted Square Foot Calculation:

New Construction:

